Points for Worrying

Posted: 25 June 2008 in joy, observations

Congratulations are in order.  I accepted a job at the University of Virginia!  I’m so delighted to be working somewhere else, it almost overrides the overwhelming fear of inadequacy!  Yay me!

I admit I’ve been keeping this news from you.  I know.  But you know what happens when you tell the Internet something: it just can’t keep a secret.  Yes, I’m talking to you.  I’m delighted that I finally can tell you about my house-hunting woes, my new job jitters, packing and moving, and did I mention my almost paralyzing fear of trying to appear competent in my new job?  Yeah, I have a lot to say about that.

Since I won’t start until the end of July, I have an entire month to fret.  Fretting is, possibly, my most skilled hobby.  In fact, I imagine I could almost be a professional fretter.  Pity there’s no money in that.  What makes life exciting is that I, Fretter Extraordinaire, live with Pollyanna!  An odder pairing you’ve never seen.  She has perfected the fine art, nay, the zen art, of taking every problem and saying “it’ll work out.”  And let me tell you, it does, but not because things just “work out“.

Oh no, in addition to being a pro-worrier, amatuer basketcase, and if you ask her, part-time crazypants, I am also an 168-hour a week troubleshooter.  Yes, things “work out“, but only because I’ve wedged them into a satisfactory conclusion by sheer force of will.  I can only imagine where we’d be without her announcing the inevitable positive conclusion and me pouring hard labor into making it happen. 

Just because I feel like fretters are the very necessary, critically important, can’t-live-without-them minority, they get all the points today.  Take that!

  1. linaria says:

    congratulations congratulations yay! I am a pro fretter as well, which I attribute to many generations of Jewish grandmothers. K. has Catholic guilt but a solid sense of practicality, so we do alright.

    yay yay yay yay! what will you be doing?

  2. rye says:

    Yay, I get points! hehe

    And Charlottesville – how gorgeous! What a perfect place to take that “next step.” 🙂

  3. Dylan says:

    I am quite the fretter myself. I also believe that things happen as they should but only because you help make them that way. You don’t get from point A to point B simply because it’s meant to be… you have to do the foot work.

    A huge congratulations to you on the new job. I can totally see you immersed in the University environment. I think really it suits you!

  4. backlist says:

    thank you thank you thank you! I think I’ll really enjoy UVA and being a librarian. I’m delighted it’s finally happening.

  5. Digger says:

    I am really happy for you! Congrats on getting the new job! I have a good lead on a job and we are actively looking for something for M, so we may soon follow in your footsteps.

    One of my friends from Jerusalem got out recently. When he started the process of trying, he found a link to how to resign from the service, but when he clicked on it, it led to a site on officer death! So congrats too on finding an alternate route!

  6. backlist says:

    I’ll cross my fingers for you! Believe me, resigning is already difficult, I can’t imagine the administrativ ehell I’m about to go through.

  7. Digger says:

    I hope your transition goes smoothly because I plan to vicariously enjoy your new-found freedom (that is, when I am not surfing the real estate ads in NC thinking how nice it would be to live in a real house with a real yard and be able to buy it for about 1/3 of what I paid for the box we have here!

  8. WKC says:

    One of my personal adages is “nothing ever went right except someone made it right.” Congratulations on the new gig, you show those young’uns where it’s (the books) at.

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